Wednesday 1 June 2016

You had your object pronoun quiz today- I gave you a few minutes to look over your notes, and then you took the quiz.

- We did a few activities to "de-stress"
> We threw the ball with questions around the room, I took notes, and asked you questions
e.g. Shelley catches the ball and says "J'aime la couleur rouge." At the end of the activity I may ask "Qui aime la couleur rouge?" and the class responds, "Shelley!"
> We played one round of "dix"
> We listened to music from Québec, from two seasons (winter and summer, one slow piano tune, and one more upbeat song)

- We did a whip-around the room to see what de-stressed you the most

You had the rest of class to work on the project. Remember! The French part of the project is due at the end of this week- and you should start on your physical book. Next week will be for beautifying and practicing your spoken French. 

Please come and see me with any questions you may have about the text!

It should be SIMPLE.

Google Translate is not your friend. It is important to look at text translated through Google Translate with a critical lens- watch verb tenses especially. Only use verb tenses that YOU KNOW.

Good online tools:
BonPatron (grammar and spelling corrector- assuming you have simple sentences, this should catch most of the mistakes)
WordReference (also have a look at the discussion boards!)
Linguee (this will look for examples in French texts for the translation you're looking for, requires some reading- the first few examples may not be what you're looking for... you have to read!)
Sounds for your book (what we reviewed a few classes ago)
Comment créer un livre: (video- how to create a book)