Tuesday 31 May 2016

We reviewed Object pronouns (Direct/Indirect)
>> 1 Verb: pronoun - goes before the verb; negative - like headphones around the verb
>> 2 Verbs: pronoun - goes before the 2nd verb; negative - like headphones around the 1st verb
>> Passé Composé**: pronoun - goes before the aux; negative - like headphones around the pronoun and aux **You must add agreement to the past participle if there is a direct object (and only in the passé composé)
>> Multiple pronouns: pronouns - a special order: me le lui y en (poem!)

le / la / les

Person? lui (one), leur (many)
Place? y
*Amount/de? en
*If it's an amount, you need to repeat it at the end.
e.g. Je veux acheter 3 pommes -> Je veux en acheter 3

(me/te/nous/vous can be direct or indirect)

Remember: You use pronouns to not be as repetitive! You must introduce it first, and then you can replace it in the next sentence using a pronoun. You need to show me one example of this in your book.

I will be giving you a quiz on these concepts on the double block day.

You had the rest of the class to work on your projects.

We only have a short time left! Use your class time wisely:
>> Have your story written in French (be simple!! you need 1 object pronoun, and one conditional)
>> Must put text through BonPatron (see links), You can also come to me with specific questions about your book.
>> You should start your physical book.

>> Beautify the book, finish illustrations etc.
>> Practice reading it multiple times, record it, put it on Youtube (bird's eye view)- info for username/password given next week  -e.g. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais cochon?"
>> Send me a PDF copy of your story - Unsure how to do this? Google it first, ask a friend, then ask me.

HW: Duolingo, study for the quiz on object pronouns, bring in your permission form, bring in money for the cahiers.

Friday 27 May 2016

We learned how direct object pronouns work with 2 verbs:

V1 = gets the headphones (negative)
V2 = the pronoun goes before it
Je veux acheter le livre
(+)  Je veux l'acheter
(-)  Je ne veux pas l'acheter

We've been doing some written exercises, playing Kahoots and reviewing the answers together to practice. 

You've had time to work on your book this week:
Lunapic: a free online picture editing website, no sign-up needed
I played you a video tutorial in French on how to make a book 

HW: Duolingo + you MUST have your storyboard complete and be ready to share with two other people in class next week.


Wednesday 25 May 2016

Onomatopoeia for your children's books

In English, we see onomatopoeia (where words are spelled how they sound) in picture books and comic books alike! They are not always the same in French and in English:

We looked at two Astérix comics and tried to label the Onomatopoeia 

Here are two websites with onomatopoeia you can use for your stories! Is what you want not there? Make up your own! e.g. Crunch! = Crounche!


Friday 20 May 2016

Aujourd'hui you had a reading and listening quiz based on the Quizlet set: le stress.
We then did some Direct and Indirect object pronoun questions and went over the answers.

Some extra exercises to do at home, we will be reviewing this again next week: 
Direct object (must put sentence into passé composé, watch agreement of past participle!)
Indirect object (matching)
y and en (note: when you're insisting on the number or amount of something- e.g. having 1 of something, you should use "en") 

HW: Duolingo

Bon weekend! À mardi! 

Thursday 19 May 2016

Double Block day:

> You had your quiz on le conditionnel

> Learned about direct/indirect object pronouns in the present (1 verb) and the passé composé
(see a classmate for notes)

> You then had time to work on your project, I went over expectations:
- It should be minimum 10-15 pages (you can go over that! just remember to be simple, it is not a novel)
- You need to include at least 1 conditional, and 1 direct/indirect object pronoun
- There is no min/max for sentences, HOWEVER, I am giving you a speaking mark for this (so you need to be speaking in French, enough to be evaluated-- and you are reading to children, so you need to speak!)
- It should have a basic story arc with a happy ending (and try to keep the story light-hearted!)

The "Steps"
1. Create your story (write and storyboard)
2. Produce real book (I showed you an example, I will teach you how to make one)
3. Record a reading of the book (pages turn) on Youtube, like the examples we watched (La Tour Eiffel a des ailes, Qu'est-ce que tu fais cochon...)
4. Create a PDF, send it to me
5. Read books to kids at local elementary school (June 13/14, permission form will be handed out next week for this. It will be during the double block, you will not be missing other classes)

HW: You will have a quiz on the "le stress" Quizlet on Friday, Duolingo

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Today we reviewed le conditionnel and did p. 113 in the cahier.
You also translated the sections and read them out in groups.

You will have a quiz on le conditionnel on the double block day. 

You then finished your critique of a children's picture book, sharing with another group.
You handed this in to me.

HW: Duolingo, review le conditionnel

**Remember** I am collecting money for the cahiers this week. Please bring the exact amount of $15.25, I am your French bus driver who is traveling from room to room with no change.  I will not be accepting partial amounts or amounts that are over $15.25.

Monday 16 May 2016


We reviewed vocabulary from last week with Quizlet Live

You learned le conditionnel aujourd'hui. 
We did some exercises together, and we compared it to
 the futur simple and the imparfait. 

The stem is the same as in the futur simple (including irregular stems!)
the endings are the same as the imparfait! (ais, ais, ait...) 

You learned one 'Si clause'
Si Imparfait, Conditionnel
e.g. Si j'étais riche, j'achèterais une Ferrari
(If I was rich, I would buy a Ferrari) 

You completed p. 112 in the cahier, and translated the two short paragraphs.
(See explanation of le conditionnel and a link to extra exercises below)

You started your critique d'un album (critique of a picture book),
you'll finish this next class. 

HW: Duolingo

Click here for 2 pages of online exercises (with answer key- it will also read the sentences aloud!)

Friday 13 May 2016

You were given your topics for the picture book project today.
Those who were absent: please come and see me to pick your topic!

Groups chose a "stressor" out of the hat, and made a skit about it to present to the class.

I brought in a variety of French children's picture books for you to look at, and make a few notes on (general comments, what you liked about different books)

Bon weekend!

Thursday 12 May 2016

Double block day

We watched this music video  
and talked about the different stressful things 
the young woman in the video was going through. 

You completed p. 92 and p. 93 in the cahier in groups, learning what you were all most stressed about, and the symptoms associated with stress.

You were asked to translate a section of the infographic "ce que le stress put faire pour le corps" one of the body parts (see previous post) and share in mixed groups.

We did a listening exercise on p. 94 of the cahier

After the break you read an article on meditation and answered some questions


 1. According to the article, what is meditation often associated with?
2. What is the reality according to the author?
3. With practice, meditation and what other activity can help you find what?
4. To start meditation, you should ask yourself what question?
5. What should your breathing be like during meditation?
6. What should you do if you start thinking negative thoughts?
7. Does meditation force you to be positive? Explain.
8. What should you do at the end of a meditation session?

We did a 5 minute meditation session: you recorded how you felt prior to and after the session and overall gave very positive feedback. Remember: meditating is not the same as sleeping! We used calm.com.

We then watched a TedTalk on making stress your friend. Subtitles in French. If you were away, please watch it! It may help you re-think the way you think about stress. (May is Mental Health month after all!)

You answered some questions about the TedTalk and then reviewed some of the vocabulary we've learned so far on Quizlet

Devoirs: review the Quizlet and do Duolingo! (as always! don't forget- it's worth 5% of your overall grade, it's a good mark booster and practices your French!)

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Tuesday 10 May 2016


We started a new unit on "Le Stress!"

We did a 3 - 2 - 1 activity that you handed in at the end of class
3 things you knew already about stress
2 things you learned
1 question you have

We listened to Stromae's "Alors on danse" + music video
> We talked about his stressors (work, money, marriage) and how he combats it (positive: dancing, negative: drinking) and how they were aimed at adults

In a group, you were asked to brainstorm a list of 10 stressors for young people and then read what the textbook had to say (learning new vocabulary, and talking about what you thought of them compared to what you wrote down with your group)

You had a discussion in French and shared some responses out to the class:
1. Qu’est-ce qui vous donne du stress? « _____ me donne du stress »
2. À la maison, qu’est-ce qui vous embête? (annoys you) « à la maison, __________ m’embête »
3. À l’école, qu’est-ce qui vous embête? (annoys you)
4. Est ce que vous êtes facilement stressés? (easily stressed) « Oui/Non je (ne) suis (pas)… »
5. Est-ce vous répondez bien ou mal au stress? (do you respond well/badly to stress) « Je réponds… »
6. Comment est-ce que vous vous détendez (how do you relax)? Que faites-vous? « Pour me détendre je… »

You completed p. 90/91 in the Cahier (V/F your knowledge of stress, and then a 'stress test') -- these two activities were full of new vocabulary. You shared your answers with a partner and we went over the answers to the former together.

You watched a video:

We did a Kahoot survey on how you currently manage stress.

Devoirs: Duolingo! (as always! don't forget- it's worth 5% of your overall grade, it's a good mark booster and practices your French!)

Thursday 5 May 2016

Double blocks:

> Presentations were today, you had a listening sheet to fill out
> We went over the answers to the Isabelle Cyr interview
> You completed and handed in your goal setting page for the unit with reflections

Bon weekend!

Tuesday 3 May 2016


I gave you some time to practice your presentations (Block 2, your presentations are tomorrow!)

We did a listening/reading/writing activity with this song

You read an interview with Isabelle Cyr (in the textbook) and answered some questions.

Practice presentation (due next class)

Monday 2 May 2016


You worked on your projects for the first ~20 minutes of class, finishing your paragraphs.

We then did an activity where one partner read their story, and the other drew it in two colours (passé composé and imparfait), and then roles switch. This was both a listening and speaking activity.

We then watched another children's story in French and noted the conflicts/stressful things that happened in the video.

Afterwards we brainstormed a big list of all possible conflicts/stressful things for Grade 2/3 level. I told you about your final project of the semester (!!) Due in June, more info to come!