Tuesday 10 May 2016


We started a new unit on "Le Stress!"

We did a 3 - 2 - 1 activity that you handed in at the end of class
3 things you knew already about stress
2 things you learned
1 question you have

We listened to Stromae's "Alors on danse" + music video
> We talked about his stressors (work, money, marriage) and how he combats it (positive: dancing, negative: drinking) and how they were aimed at adults

In a group, you were asked to brainstorm a list of 10 stressors for young people and then read what the textbook had to say (learning new vocabulary, and talking about what you thought of them compared to what you wrote down with your group)

You had a discussion in French and shared some responses out to the class:
1. Qu’est-ce qui vous donne du stress? « _____ me donne du stress »
2. À la maison, qu’est-ce qui vous embête? (annoys you) « à la maison, __________ m’embête »
3. À l’école, qu’est-ce qui vous embête? (annoys you)
4. Est ce que vous êtes facilement stressés? (easily stressed) « Oui/Non je (ne) suis (pas)… »
5. Est-ce vous répondez bien ou mal au stress? (do you respond well/badly to stress) « Je réponds… »
6. Comment est-ce que vous vous détendez (how do you relax)? Que faites-vous? « Pour me détendre je… »

You completed p. 90/91 in the Cahier (V/F your knowledge of stress, and then a 'stress test') -- these two activities were full of new vocabulary. You shared your answers with a partner and we went over the answers to the former together.

You watched a video:

We did a Kahoot survey on how you currently manage stress.

Devoirs: Duolingo! (as always! don't forget- it's worth 5% of your overall grade, it's a good mark booster and practices your French!)