Thursday 12 May 2016

Double block day

We watched this music video  
and talked about the different stressful things 
the young woman in the video was going through. 

You completed p. 92 and p. 93 in the cahier in groups, learning what you were all most stressed about, and the symptoms associated with stress.

You were asked to translate a section of the infographic "ce que le stress put faire pour le corps" one of the body parts (see previous post) and share in mixed groups.

We did a listening exercise on p. 94 of the cahier

After the break you read an article on meditation and answered some questions


 1. According to the article, what is meditation often associated with?
2. What is the reality according to the author?
3. With practice, meditation and what other activity can help you find what?
4. To start meditation, you should ask yourself what question?
5. What should your breathing be like during meditation?
6. What should you do if you start thinking negative thoughts?
7. Does meditation force you to be positive? Explain.
8. What should you do at the end of a meditation session?

We did a 5 minute meditation session: you recorded how you felt prior to and after the session and overall gave very positive feedback. Remember: meditating is not the same as sleeping! We used

We then watched a TedTalk on making stress your friend. Subtitles in French. If you were away, please watch it! It may help you re-think the way you think about stress. (May is Mental Health month after all!)

You answered some questions about the TedTalk and then reviewed some of the vocabulary we've learned so far on Quizlet

Devoirs: review the Quizlet and do Duolingo! (as always! don't forget- it's worth 5% of your overall grade, it's a good mark booster and practices your French!)