Thursday 31 March 2016

Double Block (Mar 30/31)

- I checked your Feedback Frame

- For homework,  you were to ask your parents at what age you were when certain things happened in your life (first steps, read your first book.. etc.) from the box "À quel âge" on the "Quand j'étais jeune" worksheet. Today, you wrote out the sentences in full. We corrected the passé composé in it. You read the sentences to your partner (and decided on one to share with the class.)

- I gave you feedback to add to your log

qu = k (quand), do liaison between most numbers and the word ans (deux ans -> deu..zan, trois ans -> troi.. zan), ans the s is silent, make sure you are saying j'ai not je when speaking in the passé composé, premier/première

I gave you notes on the imparfait: (more notes can be found here. The exercises we did in class and corrected can be found at the bottom of this page.)

Le chandail | The Hockey Sweater

In pairs, you highlighted all the cases of the imparfait that you could find on the front page of "Une Abominable feuille d'érable sur la glace" by Roch Carrier (there were 29!) and we went over the pronunciation of the highlighted verbs (paying close attention to the -ions). This story is about a young boy and what happened when he received the wrong hockey jersey to replace his old one (a true story! one of his childhood memories) 

In groups, you were assigned a section to read over and translate for the class. (I explained that there is a verb tense used in literary pieces: the passé simple, and any verbs that you didn't know, to put them into bescherelle to find the infinitive (looking at recherche exacte). e.g. fut = être) You were encouraged to come up with a little skit to accompany the translation/have lots of energy while reading. When we were done, I gave you some information about the story. (How cool is it that a line from the story used to be on the 5$ bill!) and you read out your sections.

We then watched an animation of the story in French:

To wrap up the day's activities you worked on p. 30 of your cahier- talking about your own childhood memories: your favourite place, your favourite vacation, your favourite elementary school teacher... etc.

Devoirs: For homework you were asked to think of a favourite childhood toy for an activity next class (Roch Carrier talked about his jersey, but we're going to talk about toys), and don't forget to do Duolingo. 

Music today:

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Comment avez-vous passé les vacances?
 > 5 mins to look up vocabulary words relevant to your experiences
 > Short 'speed-dating' activity with Q’s

1 - Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances? J’ai… 
2 - Avec qui as-tu passé les vacances? J’ai passé les vacances avec…
3 - Quel jour as-tu aimé le plus, et pourquoi? J’ai aimé le __ mars parce que… 

Peppa pig: le printemps
> When can we “really say it’s spring?”
> What do you think the new unit is about?

You found out that the new unit is about Childhood memories (Les souvenirs d'enfance.) Your final task of this unit will be to pick a celebrity, and describe their childhood in an interview format using vocabulary and grammar learned in the unit.

- You filled in the feedback frame (goal setting) for the new unit

- You started the worksheet "Quand j'étais jeune..."
> you completed sentences and drew pictures to go along with them
> I gave you a list of vocabulary from the textbook as well as a list to describe yourself (the latter is under the cut)
* reminder:  à / de (à games/sport, de for instrument)
* reminder: à/en/au/aux (à city/island, en fem country/province, au masc country/province, aux for plural country/province)
- À quel âge? (p.68 texte): this is in the box on the "quand j'étais jeune" w/s. You made approx. guesses to the answers, and your task is to find out the answers at home! You will share some of the answers next class.

HW: Duolingo, find out the answers to the à quel âge questions at home with your parents/guardians, review vocabulary (adj) 

Wednesday 16 March 2016


Remember: Duolingo is not required over the break! 

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Final project outline/guidelines:
Imagine que Yelp a des revues audio, toi et un(e) partenaire vont soumettre deux revues: une personne va dire une critique positive, l’autre va faire une critique négative (les deux dans une seule vidéo.) Il faut avoir des images et de l’audio par dessus. 

- nom du restaurant
- description du repas (entrée, plat principal, dessert)* (J’ai mangé… J’ai pris…) 
- l’ambiance/décor**
- le service/prix**
- Je recommande/Je ne recommande pas (Expression: “Pour l’amour de Dieu ne mangez pas dans ce restaurant!”)

* using past participles of adj
** imparfait (avoir/être)
> in each critique, use at least one direct object pronoun with the passé composé (avoir) 
> in each critique, use at least one expression learned today

+ this is the minimum requirements, if you would like to add more information, feel free! 

À remettre: le 11 mars (this Friday) 

>> BonPatron is a good resource to use to check your written work
>> Review your feedback log, the class Quizlet, and feel free to ask me any questions! 
>> The mark will primarily be based on your oral production

You will be given time to work on the project during the double block day, if possible, please bring a device equipped with an app that has the ability to have a picture slideshow with recorded audio overtop.

The restaurant can be a real or fictional restaurant. Be advised that you do need pictures! 

Apple devices: I recommend 30hands
Android devices: I have not used it, but PhotoVoice and PhotoStage look promising. 

You will be uploading your videos to a Private password protected YouTube account. 
I will give you that information in class. Please make sure you choose 'PRIVATE' when uploading. 

Friday 4 March 2016

Today you had a listening test
> You described food to a partner using vocabulary you know, while your partner drew it. 
> You reviewed the vocabulary learned from last class (ambiance, choix de plats, etc.) - See Quizlet 
> You used that vocabulary to describe a restaurant experience, the class guessed which restaurant it was.

I told you about this happening this weekend: 

Feedback from the mini-presentations today under the cut:

Restaurant activity

Click to see the restaurants for the activity under the cut 

Thursday 3 March 2016


You had your past participle as adj quiz (2)- I took the better mark.

We did a listening activity on p. 18 in your cahier (listened to the descriptions of the food.) We will be doing a similar activity for marks tomorrow.

We did a speaking activity with some learned and new vocabulary about a restaurant experience, mix and mingle-style!

HW: Duolingo, review some of the food vocabulary you've seen this unit.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Today (not double block)

You had your past participles as adj quiz, I am going to give you another quiz on this tomorrow. I will take the higher mark (if you did not do well today, STUDY TONIGHT.)

We watched the rest of this video on Zaption, did a little listening assignment activity with it

Quizlet with some of the words from the video.

We learned about a new tense in the past: Imparfait! This is used for descriptions- whereas passé composé is more like a snapshot.

You learned Être (was) and Avoir (had) in the Imparfait and did a worksheet- we marked it together.

HW: Duolingo, study for the quiz tomorrow.


I was away yesterday, but you completed...
- p. 9 + 24 in the cahier, answers given in class
- you wrote a description of your favourite dish, using past participles as adjectives and read them aloud in small groups (the group tried to guess what dish you were describing!)

Those who wanted more practice with the direct object pronoun (+agreement) see below the cut