Thursday 31 March 2016

Double Block (Mar 30/31)

- I checked your Feedback Frame

- For homework,  you were to ask your parents at what age you were when certain things happened in your life (first steps, read your first book.. etc.) from the box "À quel âge" on the "Quand j'étais jeune" worksheet. Today, you wrote out the sentences in full. We corrected the passé composé in it. You read the sentences to your partner (and decided on one to share with the class.)

- I gave you feedback to add to your log

qu = k (quand), do liaison between most numbers and the word ans (deux ans -> deu..zan, trois ans -> troi.. zan), ans the s is silent, make sure you are saying j'ai not je when speaking in the passé composé, premier/première

I gave you notes on the imparfait: (more notes can be found here. The exercises we did in class and corrected can be found at the bottom of this page.)

Le chandail | The Hockey Sweater

In pairs, you highlighted all the cases of the imparfait that you could find on the front page of "Une Abominable feuille d'érable sur la glace" by Roch Carrier (there were 29!) and we went over the pronunciation of the highlighted verbs (paying close attention to the -ions). This story is about a young boy and what happened when he received the wrong hockey jersey to replace his old one (a true story! one of his childhood memories) 

In groups, you were assigned a section to read over and translate for the class. (I explained that there is a verb tense used in literary pieces: the passé simple, and any verbs that you didn't know, to put them into bescherelle to find the infinitive (looking at recherche exacte). e.g. fut = être) You were encouraged to come up with a little skit to accompany the translation/have lots of energy while reading. When we were done, I gave you some information about the story. (How cool is it that a line from the story used to be on the 5$ bill!) and you read out your sections.

We then watched an animation of the story in French:

To wrap up the day's activities you worked on p. 30 of your cahier- talking about your own childhood memories: your favourite place, your favourite vacation, your favourite elementary school teacher... etc.

Devoirs: For homework you were asked to think of a favourite childhood toy for an activity next class (Roch Carrier talked about his jersey, but we're going to talk about toys), and don't forget to do Duolingo. 

Music today: