Tuesday 29 March 2016

Comment avez-vous passé les vacances?
 > 5 mins to look up vocabulary words relevant to your experiences
 > Short 'speed-dating' activity with Q’s

1 - Qu’est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances? J’ai… 
2 - Avec qui as-tu passé les vacances? J’ai passé les vacances avec…
3 - Quel jour as-tu aimé le plus, et pourquoi? J’ai aimé le __ mars parce que… 

Peppa pig: le printemps
> When can we “really say it’s spring?”
> What do you think the new unit is about?

You found out that the new unit is about Childhood memories (Les souvenirs d'enfance.) Your final task of this unit will be to pick a celebrity, and describe their childhood in an interview format using vocabulary and grammar learned in the unit.

- You filled in the feedback frame (goal setting) for the new unit

- You started the worksheet "Quand j'étais jeune..."
> you completed sentences and drew pictures to go along with them
> I gave you a list of vocabulary from the textbook as well as a list to describe yourself (the latter is under the cut)
* reminder:  à / de (à games/sport, de for instrument)
* reminder: à/en/au/aux (à city/island, en fem country/province, au masc country/province, aux for plural country/province)
- À quel âge? (p.68 texte): this is in the box on the "quand j'étais jeune" w/s. You made approx. guesses to the answers, and your task is to find out the answers at home! You will share some of the answers next class.

HW: Duolingo, find out the answers to the à quel âge questions at home with your parents/guardians, review vocabulary (adj)