Tuesday 8 March 2016


Final project outline/guidelines:
Imagine que Yelp a des revues audio, toi et un(e) partenaire vont soumettre deux revues: une personne va dire une critique positive, l’autre va faire une critique négative (les deux dans une seule vidéo.) Il faut avoir des images et de l’audio par dessus. 

- nom du restaurant
- description du repas (entrée, plat principal, dessert)* (J’ai mangé… J’ai pris…) 
- l’ambiance/décor**
- le service/prix**
- Je recommande/Je ne recommande pas (Expression: “Pour l’amour de Dieu ne mangez pas dans ce restaurant!”)

* using past participles of adj
** imparfait (avoir/être)
> in each critique, use at least one direct object pronoun with the passé composé (avoir) 
> in each critique, use at least one expression learned today

+ this is the minimum requirements, if you would like to add more information, feel free! 

À remettre: le 11 mars (this Friday) 

>> BonPatron is a good resource to use to check your written work
>> Review your feedback log, the class Quizlet, and feel free to ask me any questions! 
>> The mark will primarily be based on your oral production

You will be given time to work on the project during the double block day, if possible, please bring a device equipped with an app that has the ability to have a picture slideshow with recorded audio overtop.

The restaurant can be a real or fictional restaurant. Be advised that you do need pictures! 

Apple devices: I recommend 30hands
Android devices: I have not used it, but PhotoVoice and PhotoStage look promising. 

You will be uploading your videos to a Private password protected YouTube account. 
I will give you that information in class. Please make sure you choose 'PRIVATE' when uploading.