Friday 1 April 2016

Poisson d'avril!

You learned a little bit about Poisson d'Avril (April Fool's Day) today: see document here 

We also watched a Têtes à claques episode

You worked through the top half of this sheet: 
(The answers under the cut)

I will be giving you a quiz on the Imparfait Monday, April 4th: I will only be including verbs with regular conjugations -ER, -RE, -IR (but review your notes, I may include -CER and -GER verbs... those requiring extra e's, ç for some subjects) 

You worked on p. 30 of the cahier, we went over pronunciation of vocabulary, and we did a mix-n-mingle style activity where you asked each other one or two of the questions when the music stopped (using the imparfait: Avais-tu...) 

You started p. 31, and found out "what kind of child you were"

Bon weekend!

HW: Duolingo, study for quiz

Answers to part A: Imparfait w/s

1. Vous croyiez
2. Il lisait
3. Elles faisaient
4. Tu habitais
5. Ils vivaient
6. Il obéissait
7. Elle rougissait
8. Je répondais
9. Tu voyageais
10. Elle prononçait
11. Vous appréciiez
12. Ils rangeaient