Monday 29 February 2016

La poutine râpée

To the students that were going to write a test for me today, you will write it tomorrow. Merci.

I handed out Interims- please give these to your parents/guardians.

You filled in the sheet on Past Participles as adjectives (some familiar ones, some new ones), and you did the questions on the back of the sheet. We went over them as a class.

I put up different pictures of food, you tried to describe them with your partner using vocabulary you've learned (and saying whether it's for breakfast, lunch, dinner- déjeuner, dîner, souper) using past participles as adjectives.

We listened to and read an article about Acadian food.

At the end of class you were working some vocabulary questions in the cahier (p 9), we will be finishing that up at the beginning of next class.

HW: Duolingo

Friday 26 February 2016

Today you had your Direct Object Pronoun (+agreement) quiz. We marked it in class.

You had your mini presentations today, I gave you some feedback (under the cut)

HW: Duolingo

Thursday 25 February 2016

Double Block

Today you had your reading assessment

We did some anti-bullying activities (read about pink shirt day, watched a video, and did the cup song en français!) Some great team-building, thank you for being great and respectful and participatory.

We did some more work on the past participles being used as adjectives- you looked at a menu taken from a magazine and highlighted the past participles being used as adjectives, we went over the answers (and the meaning of the recipe)

You filled in the worksheet with the boxes (drawing/sentence writing)

I assigned a mini presentation that will help you for your final project (past participles as adj):

Voici mon ___________ (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner: France) (déjeuner, dîner, souper: Québec) à ________ (restaurant)

J'ai mangé...
Ensuite j'ai pris...
Finalement, j'ai mangé...

*you need a picture! find one on Instagram or Google
*add extra sentences for groups of 3, should all speak twice
*we are only describing food, not drinks

(some extra past participles to help you, in addition to the ones you have in your notes)

HW: Duolingo + Direct Object Pronoun Quiz (answers to the back side of the worksheet I gave you under the cut below) Reminder: I will be giving you your interims on Monday!

Tuesday 23 February 2016


- You finished the "Les pages jaunes" reading activity, and we went over the answers.
- We reviewed the direct object pronouns (+ agreement), you will have a quiz on Friday on this
- You practiced describing the ambiance of a restaurant with pictures projected (and guessed what they were)
- You learned about past participles being used as adjectives (it's easy! you just use them as adjectives and add agreement with the noun that it is modifying)
e.g. la crème fouettée (whipped cream)

I am also going to give you a reading quiz on the double block day.
Review your reading strategies. Text will be in French, answers in English.

I am going to give you your interim on Monday (once I have a few more marks in!)

Verlan! (Stromae -> Maestro)

Devoirs: Duolingo, Review reading strategies, Review Direct Object Pronoun (placement+ past participle agreement)

Monday 22 February 2016

I reviewed with you the new Duolingo assignment.

Last week, the assignment you did could be completed in one day! Seeing as this is not the point of the Duolingo homework, I will be tracking it manually.

20XP Monday - Friday (if you miss a day, you can make it up on Saturday. I will not be counting Duolingo done on Sunday- but if you want to continue your streak, by all means, go ahead!)

We reviewed Direct Object Pronouns + agreement with past participle.

We reviewed Ambiance with a Kahoot

We went over Reading Strategies and you started to read "Les pages jaunes" the yellow pages!
All answers are to be given in English- as I am looking to see that you understand.

HW: Duolingo

Thursday 18 February 2016

Double Block Day (Weds/Thurs)

You had your speaking assessment today.

We learned about "Ambiance" (see Quizlet) and looked at different local restaurants (and described their ambiance- Guess Who style)- This is something you will have to do for your final project: a yelp-style review of a restaurant experience.

We reviewed Direct Objects (and pronouns, how and when to use them) and making sure to add agreement to the past participle when the direct object pronoun comes before the verb. We did some exercises. In these exercises you also saw some more food vocabulary

HW: Duolingo

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Today you had your listening test based on the vocabulary so far.

We looked at Agreement with Direct Objects in Passé Composé (avoir). We came up with rules by 'discovery,' and I subsequently gave you some more detailed notes. You did a worksheet, we marked it.

Remember: direct objects are directly after the verb (no à/de), and are replaced with le/la/les/l' -> they are placed before the AUX (auxiliary). You add agreement in gender and number to the PP (past participle).

You did a reading exercise with two recipes: one on making sushi, one on making pizza. You answered the true/false questions and we went over it as a class.

HW: Duolingo, study for your speaking test tomorrow.

* Duolingo: this week, you just need to do 100XP, there have been some issues with the assignment feature (some of you did not click 'start assignment' so it didn't count towards it) so I will go through and make sure you've done at least 100XP this week (not including the placement test).

Monday 15 February 2016

We finished Ratatouille and you all signed up for Duolingo (and took the placement test).

HW: Duolingo! You have your listening test tomorrow 
and your speaking test on the double block day. 
Don't forget to review your feedback notes. 

Friday 12 February 2016

La Saint-Valentin

Today you wrote your quiz on concepts from grades 8-10
You learned how to say "I love you" and "I miss you" (tu me manques) in French

We watched two videos based in the city of love:
J'attendrai le suivant
a clip from Paris Je T'aime

And watched ~20 more minutes of Ratatouille

You are going to have a listening and a speaking quiz next week on what we've been working on in class: see Peppa Pig vocab, verbs for cooking, restaurant conversation.

Don't forget to sign up for Duolingo! Do not use your full name (first name, last initial OK), and sign up to the Duolingo class- see previous post for information


This weekend you need to take the Duolingo placement test, and you need to sign up for the Duolingo class BEFORE MONDAY. I will post an assignment to the class on Monday morning, if you are not in the class you will not be able to view it/I will not be able to see your progress.

Remember, Duolingo is daily practice (and your homework assignment) worth 5% of your final grade.

How to sign up (make sure you click on the correct class!)

French 11 (Block 2)

French 11 (Block 4)

(Click images for detailed instructions on how to join the Duolingo class)

Thursday 11 February 2016

Feb 10-11 Double Blocks (Wed/Thurs)

I checked if you set your goals for the unit. If you did not do this- please set them ASAP.

We reviewed Peppa Pig and went over the answers. You listened one more time and checked off when you heard the words on the worksheet. (worksheet here)

You matched verbs for cooking to pictures.

We did a restaurant conversation- it was modelled and I gave you some feedback after a few presentations. We went over pronunciation of the menu on the bottom of the sheet. In pairs you filled in fill in the blanks conversations, practiced it (keeping in mind the feedback from the first round of presentations) and you all presented it in front of the class- with props! I gave feedback again, you added this to your feedback log. (conversation here)

We watched the first ~30 minutes of Ratatouille, we will be discussing restaurants (decor, ambiance, food, etc.) beginning with Chez Gusteau!

N'oubliez pas: your test is on Friday! (of review concepts from 8-10), and we will be watching more of Ratatouille.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

I hope you all had a good long weekend!

We did the practice test for the review package and marked it together in class. Your test for marks will be on Friday- similar format, based on the same concepts. Please take a bit of time everyday to study this week.

You did some goal setting for the unit. Please keep this in your binders until the end of the unit where you will reflect on how you did and hand it in. (sheet here)

We watched an episode of Peppa Pig (Les Crêpes) and did a listening activity.

Devoirs (HW): Review for test on Friday, anything you did not fill in during the Peppa Pig activity, look it up for homework (WordReference). We'll go over the answers next class

Friday 5 February 2016

La révision (cont'd)

Today we went over the answers to the homework (the chart), reviewed les pronoms relatifs, and the negative. (Ne pas headphones around the 1st verb, if passé composé- ne pas headphones around the AUX)

Your diagnostic test (not for marks) on TUESDAY is going to be on everything from the package (except reflexive and imperative). Please review your notes.

The notes on relative pronouns: see here

Devoirs (HW): Review!!

The answers to the relative pronoun section of the package after the jump:

Thursday 4 February 2016

Feb 3-4 Double Block (Weds/Thurs)

Present tense -ent (for ils/elles) ARE SILENT
QU = K
fort (do not pronounce the t) / forte (pronounce the t)
liaison: when vowel follows a consonant, need to pronounce it right before the vowel. 
ils apprennent (sounds like: il zapprenne)
mon ami (sounds like: mo nami)

- We reviewed the passé composé, futur proche, futur simple.
- You played a board game with passé composé
- We did a listening activity with the futur simple (dis-moi)
- You did some more practice with future porch/futur simple on Quizlet 

See previous post for extra practice.

Devoirs (HW): Do the chart of the passé, present, futur in your review packages, and do some of the extra activities in the previous post if you feel that you need more review. 

Many of you were asking where I was getting the cover songs I played while you worked, it's Sara'h!

Online Practice! (Passé composé, Present, Futur Proche)

Please review your notes, and do these for extra practice this week!
The answers are all there (they're fairly simple, and fun!)

Tuesday 2 February 2016

La révision

Today we started reviewing- we looked at verbs you would have seen in grades 8-10, and finding their past participle. For words you had trouble with, you used

We practiced saying the French "u" (not 'you')- to do this you say "eeee" and close your lips. 
We also practiced the French "r" (rolling r is ok too)- having trouble? try gargling water at home, the r happens at the back of your throat.

é (accent aigu) 
à (accent grave)

We played a Kahoot game on the passé composé: if you found it to be difficult, you need to review at home. 

Remember: the passé composé is COMPOSED of 2 parts: 
AUX (either avoir or être) + PP (past participle) 
*if aux is être there is agreement with the subject, you add this to the PP 
For regular verbs: ER => É, IR => I, RE => U

Je mange (présent) -> J'ai mangé (p.c, avoir)
Elle part (présent) -> Elle est partie (p.c, être = agreement with the subject)

Devoirs (homework): on the second page do only the small chart with irregular past participle conjugations, review your notes on the passé composé. We will be working on the review package/going over the answers next class. 

Monday 1 February 2016


- The course - outline and expectations,
- 'The Name Game' to help me remember your names
- A review of the three ways to ask questions (intonation, est-ce que, and inversion)
-> to practice/warm-up of speaking more French we did a bingo "trouve qqn qui" activity
- I gave you some feedback (regarding est-ce que and é (2), making English words sound French, emphasis on the end of words (4)) that you wrote in your feedback log (or will eventually be transferred to your feedback log)
- I showed you some of the useful tools: Quizlet, Bescherelle, BonPatron (see links)
- I demo'd Duolingo, this will be something you will have to do this semester for homework- more on this later.
- A form was handed out, a 'get to know you'-type sheet with your comfort level of French, things you want to work on this semester, your favourite French song... etc.

Please hand in the get to know you form next class if you took it home. 


Bienvenue à Français 11!
Welcome to French 11! 
Please check the website on a regular basis to keep up 
with anything you may have missed, homework, Quizlet sets, 
French music we've listened to in class, etc. 
What to do if you are away for any length of time (vacation, school trip, or illness)   Homework is always an extension of work done in class- If you are away for one day, check the website for what you missed. It is also a good idea to get the name and contact information of one or two classmates. 
If you are away for a longer period of time, do a bit of French everyday! That means Duolingo*, Quizlet, listen to some French music, and if you have the opportunity, speak French to those that you meet!  
*Duolingo even has an offline mode, ideal for traveling. Read about it here.
In my experience, giving you piles of worksheets while you are away is not beneficial. It is best to do the following: inform me of your trip, check the website, and see me when you get back. This way, I can provide clarifications, and get you caught up on what you missed.