Tuesday 16 February 2016

Today you had your listening test based on the vocabulary so far.

We looked at Agreement with Direct Objects in Passé Composé (avoir). We came up with rules by 'discovery,' and I subsequently gave you some more detailed notes. You did a worksheet, we marked it.

Remember: direct objects are directly after the verb (no à/de), and are replaced with le/la/les/l' -> they are placed before the AUX (auxiliary). You add agreement in gender and number to the PP (past participle).

You did a reading exercise with two recipes: one on making sushi, one on making pizza. You answered the true/false questions and we went over it as a class.

HW: Duolingo, study for your speaking test tomorrow.

* Duolingo: this week, you just need to do 100XP, there have been some issues with the assignment feature (some of you did not click 'start assignment' so it didn't count towards it) so I will go through and make sure you've done at least 100XP this week (not including the placement test).