Thursday 4 February 2016

Feb 3-4 Double Block (Weds/Thurs)

Present tense -ent (for ils/elles) ARE SILENT
QU = K
fort (do not pronounce the t) / forte (pronounce the t)
liaison: when vowel follows a consonant, need to pronounce it right before the vowel. 
ils apprennent (sounds like: il zapprenne)
mon ami (sounds like: mo nami)

- We reviewed the passé composé, futur proche, futur simple.
- You played a board game with passé composé
- We did a listening activity with the futur simple (dis-moi)
- You did some more practice with future porch/futur simple on Quizlet 

See previous post for extra practice.

Devoirs (HW): Do the chart of the passé, present, futur in your review packages, and do some of the extra activities in the previous post if you feel that you need more review. 

Many of you were asking where I was getting the cover songs I played while you worked, it's Sara'h!