Thursday 11 February 2016

Feb 10-11 Double Blocks (Wed/Thurs)

I checked if you set your goals for the unit. If you did not do this- please set them ASAP.

We reviewed Peppa Pig and went over the answers. You listened one more time and checked off when you heard the words on the worksheet. (worksheet here)

You matched verbs for cooking to pictures.

We did a restaurant conversation- it was modelled and I gave you some feedback after a few presentations. We went over pronunciation of the menu on the bottom of the sheet. In pairs you filled in fill in the blanks conversations, practiced it (keeping in mind the feedback from the first round of presentations) and you all presented it in front of the class- with props! I gave feedback again, you added this to your feedback log. (conversation here)

We watched the first ~30 minutes of Ratatouille, we will be discussing restaurants (decor, ambiance, food, etc.) beginning with Chez Gusteau!

N'oubliez pas: your test is on Friday! (of review concepts from 8-10), and we will be watching more of Ratatouille.