Monday 1 February 2016


- The course - outline and expectations,
- 'The Name Game' to help me remember your names
- A review of the three ways to ask questions (intonation, est-ce que, and inversion)
-> to practice/warm-up of speaking more French we did a bingo "trouve qqn qui" activity
- I gave you some feedback (regarding est-ce que and é (2), making English words sound French, emphasis on the end of words (4)) that you wrote in your feedback log (or will eventually be transferred to your feedback log)
- I showed you some of the useful tools: Quizlet, Bescherelle, BonPatron (see links)
- I demo'd Duolingo, this will be something you will have to do this semester for homework- more on this later.
- A form was handed out, a 'get to know you'-type sheet with your comfort level of French, things you want to work on this semester, your favourite French song... etc.

Please hand in the get to know you form next class if you took it home.