Tuesday 2 February 2016

La révision

Today we started reviewing- we looked at verbs you would have seen in grades 8-10, and finding their past participle. For words you had trouble with, you used http://bescherelle.com.

We practiced saying the French "u" (not 'you')- to do this you say "eeee" and close your lips. 
We also practiced the French "r" (rolling r is ok too)- having trouble? try gargling water at home, the r happens at the back of your throat.

é (accent aigu) 
à (accent grave)

We played a Kahoot game on the passé composé: if you found it to be difficult, you need to review at home. 

Remember: the passé composé is COMPOSED of 2 parts: 
AUX (either avoir or être) + PP (past participle) 
*if aux is être there is agreement with the subject, you add this to the PP 
For regular verbs: ER => É, IR => I, RE => U

Je mange (présent) -> J'ai mangé (p.c, avoir)
Elle part (présent) -> Elle est partie (p.c, être = agreement with the subject)

Devoirs (homework): on the second page do only the small chart with irregular past participle conjugations, review your notes on the passé composé. We will be working on the review package/going over the answers next class.