Thursday 28 April 2016

Double block:

Today you had your listening quiz based on the l'enfance vocabulary.

You conjugated the verbs into the Imparfait (p. 52/53)
- in pairs you drew what was described on p. 53 (of elementary schools in rural Quebec between 1840 - 1940) and then shared your drawing with another group. We went over what your drawing should have included together

We listened to three children's stories (see below). You wrote down what the story was about, what you liked/disliked about it, and why. You shared these answers with your table group and shared the following information with the class:

Nous (n')avons (pas) aimé .... parce que...
Using the Imparfait for descriptions.

For the rest of class you worked on your projects. Reminder that it is due next week! 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

> We did a practice listening test based on the vocabulary from the "l'enfance" Quizlet. You will have a listening test on the double block day.

> You completed p.56 in the cahier, another passé composé/imparfait activity (talking about childhood)

> I gave you some time to work on your project
*UPDATED DUE DATE: due to many of you having school activities on the original due date, I have decided to move the due date to the double block day of the same week. That will give us more time to present.
Block 2: May 4th (Wednesday)
Block 4: May 5th (Thursday)
Those with conflicts on these days can talk to me about presenting either Monday or Tuesday of the same week (2nd, 3rd) 

Don't forget to do Duolingo

Monday 25 April 2016

We practiced these vocabulary words (some known, some new) and then did the Quizlet LIVE feature in small groups.

We watched/played a Zaption with Bradley Cooper in an interview speaking French (you answered some multiple choice questions) 

I gave you your final speaking project for the unit.  

Devoirs: Tomorrow I am going to give you a listening pre-test based on some of the vocabulary from the unit (see Quizlet). Duolingo

Friday 22 April 2016

Wed/Thurs (double block): special events happened in one of the blocks, and the other block was spent practicing for the interview presentation on Friday, and playing a 'Clue' -style game.

Friday: You had your interview presentations in front of the class.

Bon weekend!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tomorrow is National Canadian Film Day! You did a reading with some questions on the movie Bon Cop Bad Cop, and we went over the answers.

You worked on your script for the interview with the characters from "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg." I am giving you a speaking mark for this, see rubric provided. I want the first 7 questions to be memorized, and the last one (the story) you can have a sheet for. I will be asking you 5/7 questions and asking you to read the story. It is important that you understand the questions, and have EXPRESSION and FLOW in your answers (as well as the other things we have practiced: liaison, French r... etc. -see rubric) We will be doing some speaking activities (including some time for you to practice) so it is very important that you finish your script tonight if you didn't finish in class!!

- Duolingo
- Finish your script.
- Like I showed you in class, please put your script into Quizlet and start practicing.
- Block 2: Watch Bon Cop Bad Cop (see previous post)
Bon Cop Bad Cop:

Friday 15 April 2016

Quand vous étiez jeune : 10 ans : Mme Emery

Comment étiez-vous quand vous étiez petit(e)? J’étais snob

Où habitiez-vous? J’habitais à Cherbourg

Qu’est-ce que vous mangiez? Je mangeais des légumes coupés et du poisson frit.

Qu’est-ce que vous aimiez faire? J’aimais examiner les bijoux de ma mère

Qu’est-ce que vous jouiez? Je jouais aux billes (nous jouions avec des perles)

Étiez-vous amoureux(se) de quelqu’un? Oui, je suis tombée amoureuse d’un jeune garçon, mais ma mère ne l’aimait pas.

Comment passiez-vous le weekend? Je travaillais au magasin de ma mère.

Racontez-moi une histoire de votre enfance: Quand j’étais jeune j’aimais faire du lèche-vitrine. Un jour, j’ai vu un voleur dans la bijouterie. Je ne savais pas quoi faire ! Enfin, j’ai appelé à la police, et le gérant de la bijouterie m’a donné un collier pour dire merci.

Thursday 14 April 2016

We did the passé composé / imparfait pre-test- just choosing which one, your real assessment is tomorrow!

We watched Les Parapluies de Cherbourg and did a passé composé / imparfait activity- (this time writing out the conjugations.)

Devoirs: Duolingo, study for the test tomorrow.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


- You learned the other hand-clapping game (à la sortie du lycée)!
- We did this story (deciding passé composé/ imparfait) - and went over the answers

- I gave you this sheet with some key words to help you decide whether to use passé composé or imparfait

- We played Kahoot to review

- We filled in the "check-in" portion of the Feedback Frame- goal setting sheet (Block 2, please do this for homework).

>> I was going to give you a quiz on the passé composé/imparfait next class (double block) but after seeing the check-in's and getting feedback from you, we are going to do another practice. Please study as if it was the real test- it will be good practice! You will have a quiz on the passé composé/imparfait (story format- like we've been practicing) on FRIDAY APRIL 15th

Devoirs: Duolingo, study passé composé / imparfait, (block 2 -> 'check in' on goal setting sheet for the unit)

Monday 11 April 2016


1. A few more presentations of your stories from last class

2. You read a short story and chose whether to use passé composé or imparfait.

3. You listened to the song "Elle m'a aimé" and filled in the lyrics (missing imparfait or passé composé) - We also worked through the translation of the lyrics.

4. We watched part of this video "les comptines" en printemps
-nursery rhymes on the streets of Montreal in the 70s (and in the spring!)

5. Then we learned one! (the 2nd one in the video, just the alphabet en français)

Devoirs: Duolingo!

Friday 8 April 2016

Today you wrote your own version of the "chandail de hockey" story, using your own toy, and your own sad ending. You made a collage (Pic Collage) or drew a picture of the events. You shared your story with people around you (Block 2, some of you shared with the class)- next class you will be sharing with a new group of students and I will ask a few people to present to the class (Block 4).

Devoirs: Duolingo

Thursday 7 April 2016

Double Block (Apr 6/7)


1. You did a warm-up where you described pictures: deciding what the background action was, what the interrupting action was (some pictures were during, some were after- and you had to make a guess: first in English, then in French!)

Imparfait (Background) quand... Interruption (Passé Composé - aux + pp)
e.g. Je dansais quand un ami a frappé à la porte

2. We then played a short round of Telephone Pictionary using the same formula as above (you write a sentence, you pass it, the next person draws a picture of your sentence, folds the paper over, they pass it, that next person has to write a sentence about the picture without seeing the original sentence)

3. When the paper returned to you, you unraveled it and looked at the whole story. You were then asked to spend a few minutes correcting the errors you saw in the sentences, and to share your story with your peers.

4. When you finished, you chose either passé composé or imparfait for this story (Blanche Neige, snow white!) on paper and then checked your answers online:

5. We then looked at another case of differentiating between passé composé and imparfait: Occasional vs. Habitual actions.

6. We played "un mensonge, deux vérités" (1 lie, 2 truths)
-> Where you were born (p.c.)
-> One thing you did all the time (imp = habitual)
-> One this you did one time (p.c. = occasional)

You all spent a few minutes writing out your sentences, I came around and checked them, you were put into two big groups, and you took turns sharing your sentences. You used p. 44/45 in the cahier to keep track of your peers lies- how to play: if you correctly guess the lie, you get 1 point. As the writer of the truths/lies, you get 2 points for everyone you fool on your turn.

7. You then did the second half of the imparfait worksheet from last week (B. Ma Jeunesse. Caroline parle de son enfance...) # 1 - 11. We went over the answers

8. You then read an article on Mia Wasikowska (the Actress from the 2010 Alice in Wonderland Movie): answering some True/False questions **Attention: the verb tenses!!, and doing a few imparfait questions on the sheet. We went over the answers

9. You then started the "Chandail du hockey" activity, where you rolled dice to find out the fate of your beloved childhood toy. Next class you will write about it, and share your story.

HW: Duolingo

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Today you learned the difference between the passé composé and the imparfait. You were encouraged to take notes on the video we watched:

I asked you to watch this imparfait/passé composé video again for homework, 
doing the exercises at the end.

You did a charades-type activity using background (imparfait) and interrupting (passé composé) actions. You wrote a sentence in groups and came up with actions that you presented to the class.

e.g. Je dansais quand qqn a frappé à la porte
(don't forget that the passé composé has both an auxiliary and a past participle) 

Bien fait!

Devoirs: Duolingo, watch video again (doing exercises at the end)

Monday 4 April 2016


You had your Imparfait quiz, I gave you a few minutes at the beginning of class to review your notes.

We did a mini-interview about your favourite toy (good practice for final project) -answer in full sentences!
 Mon jouet préféré (p.33/34 to help come up with ideas)
 1. Quel jouet est-ce que tu avais quand tu étais jeune?
 2. Quel âge avais-tu?
 3. C’était quelle couleur?
 4. Qui t’as donné ce jouet?
 5. Où est le jouet maintenant?

1. Quel jouet est-ce que tu avais quand tu étais jeune? j’avais un camion de pompiers. 
2. Quel âge avais-tu? j’avais quatre ans. 
3. C’était quelle couleur? c’était rouge.
4. Qui t’as donné ce jouet? ma mère m’a donné le camion. 
5. Où est le jouet maintenant? j’ai donné le camion à mon frère.

I gave you some feedback, and we practiced the pronunciation of common mistakes:

Block 4:
quel, quand (K)
french r (rose, rouge, brun)*
jeune (make sure you pronounce the ’n’)****
louder**, more energy***, flow!**
jouet**** (not jouer)***
ans (silent s)**
maintenant (like main!) 
peluche (no accent)*
CE not C’est*
don’t forget to pronounce “é” (ma mère m’a donné)***
make sure you pronounce english words like French (auto, miniature)
colours go after the noun (un auto rouge) — not a part of BANGS (BAGSO)
est-ce que (all as one)* (s-keuh)
l’auto (put together)
mon/ma (make sure you use it for the right masc/feminine) 
ours (pronounce the s- YES!!!) 
dans (silent s) 
étagère (eh-ta-j-air)
:) - liaison b/w age and ans
:) - avais/étais
:) - some of you put lots of effort into the mini-presentation! 

Block 2
J’avais (not je vais)
sept (silent p)
ans (silent s)******** 
ce jouet (not c’est) 
jouet (not jouer)****
jeune / jaune *****
peluche*** (not pé)
donné ** 
r (gris, rose, brun)***
quand* (k sound)
où est (ooh, eh)
camion (nasal n) 
:) - liaison, between age and year (most of you did this!), still something to keep in mind 

:) - most of you had lots of expression

Devoirs: Duolingo!

Friday 1 April 2016

Poisson d'avril!

You learned a little bit about Poisson d'Avril (April Fool's Day) today: see document here 

We also watched a Têtes à claques episode

You worked through the top half of this sheet: 
(The answers under the cut)

I will be giving you a quiz on the Imparfait Monday, April 4th: I will only be including verbs with regular conjugations -ER, -RE, -IR (but review your notes, I may include -CER and -GER verbs... those requiring extra e's, ç for some subjects) 

You worked on p. 30 of the cahier, we went over pronunciation of vocabulary, and we did a mix-n-mingle style activity where you asked each other one or two of the questions when the music stopped (using the imparfait: Avais-tu...) 

You started p. 31, and found out "what kind of child you were"

Bon weekend!

HW: Duolingo, study for quiz