Thursday 7 April 2016

Double Block (Apr 6/7)


1. You did a warm-up where you described pictures: deciding what the background action was, what the interrupting action was (some pictures were during, some were after- and you had to make a guess: first in English, then in French!)

Imparfait (Background) quand... Interruption (Passé Composé - aux + pp)
e.g. Je dansais quand un ami a frappé à la porte

2. We then played a short round of Telephone Pictionary using the same formula as above (you write a sentence, you pass it, the next person draws a picture of your sentence, folds the paper over, they pass it, that next person has to write a sentence about the picture without seeing the original sentence)

3. When the paper returned to you, you unraveled it and looked at the whole story. You were then asked to spend a few minutes correcting the errors you saw in the sentences, and to share your story with your peers.

4. When you finished, you chose either passé composé or imparfait for this story (Blanche Neige, snow white!) on paper and then checked your answers online:

5. We then looked at another case of differentiating between passé composé and imparfait: Occasional vs. Habitual actions.

6. We played "un mensonge, deux vérités" (1 lie, 2 truths)
-> Where you were born (p.c.)
-> One thing you did all the time (imp = habitual)
-> One this you did one time (p.c. = occasional)

You all spent a few minutes writing out your sentences, I came around and checked them, you were put into two big groups, and you took turns sharing your sentences. You used p. 44/45 in the cahier to keep track of your peers lies- how to play: if you correctly guess the lie, you get 1 point. As the writer of the truths/lies, you get 2 points for everyone you fool on your turn.

7. You then did the second half of the imparfait worksheet from last week (B. Ma Jeunesse. Caroline parle de son enfance...) # 1 - 11. We went over the answers

8. You then read an article on Mia Wasikowska (the Actress from the 2010 Alice in Wonderland Movie): answering some True/False questions **Attention: the verb tenses!!, and doing a few imparfait questions on the sheet. We went over the answers

9. You then started the "Chandail du hockey" activity, where you rolled dice to find out the fate of your beloved childhood toy. Next class you will write about it, and share your story.

HW: Duolingo