Tuesday 12 April 2016


- You learned the other hand-clapping game (à la sortie du lycée)!
- We did this story (deciding passé composé/ imparfait) - and went over the answers

- I gave you this sheet with some key words to help you decide whether to use passé composé or imparfait

- We played Kahoot to review

- We filled in the "check-in" portion of the Feedback Frame- goal setting sheet (Block 2, please do this for homework).

>> I was going to give you a quiz on the passé composé/imparfait next class (double block) but after seeing the check-in's and getting feedback from you, we are going to do another practice. Please study as if it was the real test- it will be good practice! You will have a quiz on the passé composé/imparfait (story format- like we've been practicing) on FRIDAY APRIL 15th

Devoirs: Duolingo, study passé composé / imparfait, (block 2 -> 'check in' on goal setting sheet for the unit)