Thursday 28 April 2016

Double block:

Today you had your listening quiz based on the l'enfance vocabulary.

You conjugated the verbs into the Imparfait (p. 52/53)
- in pairs you drew what was described on p. 53 (of elementary schools in rural Quebec between 1840 - 1940) and then shared your drawing with another group. We went over what your drawing should have included together

We listened to three children's stories (see below). You wrote down what the story was about, what you liked/disliked about it, and why. You shared these answers with your table group and shared the following information with the class:

Nous (n')avons (pas) aimé .... parce que...
Using the Imparfait for descriptions.

For the rest of class you worked on your projects. Reminder that it is due next week!