Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tomorrow is National Canadian Film Day! You did a reading with some questions on the movie Bon Cop Bad Cop, and we went over the answers.

You worked on your script for the interview with the characters from "Les Parapluies de Cherbourg." I am giving you a speaking mark for this, see rubric provided. I want the first 7 questions to be memorized, and the last one (the story) you can have a sheet for. I will be asking you 5/7 questions and asking you to read the story. It is important that you understand the questions, and have EXPRESSION and FLOW in your answers (as well as the other things we have practiced: liaison, French r... etc. -see rubric) We will be doing some speaking activities (including some time for you to practice) so it is very important that you finish your script tonight if you didn't finish in class!!

- Duolingo
- Finish your script.
- Like I showed you in class, please put your script into Quizlet and start practicing.
- Block 2: Watch Bon Cop Bad Cop (see previous post)